Thursday, December 25, 2008

No More Bah Humbug?

Merry Christmas to all.

I must admit.. . the 'Christmas spirit' didn't officially hit me until around 9PMish on Christmas Eve. I managed to do some last minute shopping & was able to get gifts for the immediate family, although I still have more shopping to do. Christmas Eve was wonderful. Started out w. IHOP's infamous 'Pigs in a Blanket' -- which I swear I have been craving since last week, w. Loso followed by spending time w. Ms. 'Tilly Buff', whom just had her 22nd birthday the night before. VH1 was playing 'The Jacksons: An American Dream" -- the whole 5 hours of that long as movie, and we were on it. Well at least for 3 hours of it at least.. . then Los & I headed back to my crib & that's when all my Christmas spirit kicked in.

It's a family tradition in my house to buy our real Christmas tree on the 22nd, and decorate it as a family on Christmas Eve. This year Los was able to join the family tradition. Now I must first commend my aunt for picking out a beautiful, beautiful tree this year. Don't get me wrong -- every year we have a nice tree, but this year.. . the tree takes home the prize for 'Best Tree.. Ever'? Nonetheless, giving it two days to 'full out' (as I like to call it -- but you know.. . 'thaw' out, become fuller.. whatever) it was ready to be decorated. I must say this year the tree also wins the prize for 'Best Decorated Tree.. Ever' as well. Thanks to the magnificent help of the siblings, and of course Loso. 

I just finished helping my aunt play Santa & I must say my family is truly blessed. My aunt once again was able to fill the whole living room w. shit for not only me, but my 3 other siblings -- w. no one to help her but herself. I am truly thankful and blessed to have a wonderful aunt like her despite all the shit I put her through 364 days out the year. She is the true definition of "Miss Independent" or "She Got Her Own". But the funny thing is, as you get older you'd expect your parents not to go hard to please you for Christmas, but concentrate on the younger ones. My aunt seems to think otherwise, and even after me constantly telling her I didn't want anything for Christmas, she managed (w. the help of my 14 yr old sister, of course) to surprise the hell out of me & still cater to me as if I were 12 or something. W. that being said, you guys don't understand how excited I am to wake up in the morning & open presents. 

I feel like such a little kid again. :) 

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Bunch of Mumbo, Jumbo!

'Tis the season & I'm no where near prepared.

But honestly, I'm never prepared for Christmas. It comes too fast -- it's like I just got done w. the semester (mind you, some people in New York still have finals this week), barely put in any work hours.. . and on top of that, I'm so not in the Christmas spirit this year. I haven't had the desire to get up and drive in traffic to go to a crowded mall, or walk around in the cold ass city to stand on long ass lines trying to buy stuff for someone else. So I've put off my shopping for as long as I possibly can -- I just had to look at my phone to realize that today is the 23rd and aside from today, I have officially one more shopping day left. Great

Despite my lack of shopping, I was able to make my way out to the city to meet up w. Ava to pick up Los' gift (the only gift I got so far). Not only did I bust my ass on the way to the L train, I managed to freeze my ass off the whole time we were in the city since I managed to wear only leggings and flats, along w. three shirts that did not do anything since my leather jacket was open the whole time. So yes, I am now sick. We did a little shopping before we headed to Silver Spurs--I swear I've never appreciated hot chocolate as much as I did sitting in that restaurant. All & all it was a great lil' 'date' despite freezing my ass off for most of it. 

Aside from my lack of Christmas shopping, I've also managed to get no birthday gifts for all of the Sagittarius/Capricorns in my life. Well today is Dani's 22nd birthday, so I'm sure we're all going to do something tonight, that will probably include a lot of liquor -- my favorite. The 27th, is the bestest's 21st birthday, which I feel like I'm wayyy more excited than she is at this current state -- BUT its okay, because I know she'll get in the spirit soon. Plus, its on a Saturday -- that's like God giving us the permission to get 'fucked up' that night.. . But unfortunately not too fucked up, since for my aunt's birthday which is the next day (28th) -- I promised her I would go to Church w. her. So I guess that's also God's way of telling me, 'You had your fun, no come to Church since you haven't been in Lord knows how long.. .' Thanks God. 

So like I said, I've been working on my 2009 Promises, and I continued to do some thinking and came up w. more of these promises: 
  1. To laugh more. Seriously, it's not that serious. Laugh off everything & you'll live longer. I promise. 
  2. To network more. The internet is a great networking place -- but I refuse to spend my life sitting in front of a computer trying to sell myself over the web, when I can just do it in person. Random conversations in the train are great, you'd be surprised who you meet during rush hour. 
  3. To make more art. Daily. Well, this is a promise I need to keep to myself. What's an artist w. no work to show? I need to not only make an extensive portfolio for these art schools, but for myself and my career.
  4. Pay them no mind. Obviously.. . not everyone is gonna like you. You can either weep about it or say fuck them. They hold no meaning to your life.
Yep, this is what I thought off thus far to add onto the additional promises I made in a previous post -- Nonetheless, what I really need to worry about is what I'm doing on New Years Eve? Owwwww

Monday, December 22, 2008

So.. .


Calm down.. . it's only the internet. 
Blogger still in progress, so stay tune. 

Friday, December 19, 2008

Hipster Olympics.. .

"Yeaa.. like silver is the new gold."

So, I was put on to the Current channel while at Mateo's house & this little series came up, which I thought was hilarious. This satire entitled 'Hipster Olympics' challenges what they consider "Brooklyn Hipsters" (whom are mostly found in the area of Williamsburg) compete for the most ironic tee-shirt, best Myspace pic, and silent judging.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

2009 Resolutions.. . my ass.

I was getting tired w. # titles .. so off w. them.

There are 6 more days until Christmas, 12 more days until 2009 and I hear people talking about their 'New Years' Resolutions' already. I've been hearing it from friends, co-workers, random people on the streets -- all whom talk about the 'new change'.. . or (my personal favorite) 'the new money' their bringing/getting come January 1st, 2009. First and foremost, I think it's all bullshit. Just straight bullshit. The definition of the word 'resolution' is:
(n.) a solution, accommodation, or settling of a problem, controversy, etc.
(v.) the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
Now don't get me wrong.. . I'm all for changing for the greater you. It's just the fact that people think they have to wait until the NEW year to be a new them. ".. New year, new start." -- That's the bullshit ass excuse people use year after year to justify why they think its better to become the 'better them' on that day. Fuck that. Change doesn't come easy. Change doesn't come that fast. You'd be surprised (and rather entertained.. .) if I sat here told you some stories of people I know that 'changed' as soon as midnight hit. Oh, that's cute -- but then they're right back to their 'previous year' self come a week later. If you haven't done anything to loose weight in 2008, there is gonna be no 'New Year adrenaline rush' that's gonna come & make your lazy ass go to the gym.. . if you ain't getting 'arab money' in 2008, chances are -- you aren't in 2009, people seem to be forgetting.. . we're in a recession.. . 2009 shouldn't mark the day you just all the sudden want to change.. or become this 'better' you. You should feel like becoming the better you all year around & just strive to be that person on a daily basis. But.. . New Years keeps some people secure. It gives them hope in their miserable lives. It makes them think that they have start over & it won't end up like in 2008, or whenever. Most the time it doesn't work, but there's always that few that proves everyone wrong. It's just the wrong people thinking that they're that small percentage, when they do nothing to make their life better.

So since I don't partake in that resolution bullshit -- I decided to start writing a draft of 2009 Promises I'm going to keep. See, the definition of the word 'promise' is:
(n.) 1. a declaration that something will or will not be done, given, etc., by one,
2. something that has the effect of an express assurance; indication of what may be expected, 3. indication of future excellence or achievement
While others are going around rambling how they're gonna change during the New Year, I'm going to start going around ranting about how I'm not going to change for the New Year. This is the start up of my 2009 Promises -- which I will continue to add to before Jan. 1, when I think of other things to add.

2009 Promises
  1. To be true to myself, like I've been doing. People disappointment on a regular basis, people 'change' on a regular basis -- for the 20 years that I've known myself.. . I haven't let myself down, yet.
  2. To continue not to hold my tongue for anyone. Rude or not, I just refuse to sugarcoat things. I say what other people are thinking.. . The people love it.
  3. To continue not to care. I adapted the saying: "If I could care less.. . I wouldn't care at all.' Basically, .. . it's whatever. I don't care.
  4. To not hold grudges. I used to hold the mean grudges -- but once I developed #3, I realized that it makes absolutely no sense to hold a grudge on anyone. I'll go along w. my life, while you do the same.
  5. To continue not to be as petty as most girls. Girls are petty. Girls will be your friend for a week, turn on you within an hour, not talk to you months on end, apologize to you within minutes.. . you get the point. Eh, fuck all that. I don't have time.
  6. To continue to be "Ms. She Got Her Own." Need I say more?
Well once I think of more, I will continue to add to the list.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Ugh, a B+.. .

So, I ended the semester w. a 3.85 -- which I automatically rounded to 3.9, but not very happy about that B+ in Design Process .. . but, I guess that's better than a C, since I handed in some of my books a little late & not to mention -- not together. :)

Nonetheless, I got an unreal amount of work to do now w. finishing these applications & finalizing my port to send off to SVA & Parsons -- in my mind, I've eliminated Pratt, since I have my heart set on completely school in the city. So I shall do just that! Uhh.. I haven't had time to rest really, got in Saturday night -- Sunday spent the day w. Dicklos & the crew. It was great, as usual. And Monday, well I was right back at work -- it's like I never left. I've had to work Monday, and today, and tomorrow, which I have to work 9am-7pm.. so bare w. me when it comes to these post.

I'm exhausted. Sigh.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I have to say.. . I love, love, love, love, LOVE my life & all that's included.

This should be a quick post. 

This weekend was the last official weekend in Storrs, CT before I'm back in New York for winter break -- which is about a month & some change long. Last week, I was ecstatic about coming back home (& don't get me wrong .. I still am!) but this weekend was absolutely wonderful.. well, moreso the climax of the weekend (which is Saturday, for those of you that don't know) was superb. 

Friday, was the African American Cultural Center's Kwanzaa Dinner, which was okay -- food was great, but since the guest speaker that was supposed to be there was dropped.. it just turned real interesting watching students entertain a room filled w. people who were expecting the keynote speaker of that night (I really forgot his name -- but he is an African American self-made multi-millionaire that made his first million at the age of 8.. . must be nice.) After that, me & Tina went to the AKA Probate, which was cool. One of my girls is now an AKA & I'm proud of her. :) 

Saturday, saturday, saturday. Spent the day bullshitting & acting like I was studying. Joined the girls around 7:22PM for the Sigma probate. I have to say I was more than impressed w. how theirs went. It even touched me to the point, I was considering pledging a sorority next semester -- but mostly like I'll wait until I transfer back to New York to do that. The girls & I, plus Sunny went to Chuck & Augie's -- sat, conversed, made commentary.. . you know the usual before heading back to Joyce's room, where we decided we'd try our luck w. using other people's 21+ IDs to get us into Sports Bar, which seemed to be the 'it' place of the night. We all got dressed, I drove us there (w. the intentions to be too drunk to drive us back, so Tina was the D.D for the night -- yayyy, Tina!) & we got in w. no problems. 

I had an absolutely wonderful time. Next semester, I vowed that we're going to start going w. the girls more to Sports Bar -- it was that awesome. After having 5 drinks, including one shot of patron -- I found a new drink for the month (courtesy of Ronke): Amaretto Sour. :) After passing out, I was still able to take this beautiful 'morning after' picture -- 

So, now since Finals begin tomorrow -- I need to finish my sneakerhead documentary, since I have to share it w. the class from 330-530pm. So, like I need to get started editing that. So this is the end of this post for now. 

Despite how short this post is, it took forever!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Time flies when you're having fun. 

Or just when you have a shit load of things to do. 

So today marks the last day of classes for my Fall 2008 semester. Personally, I think it went by too fast .. . but then again, I'm in my third year of college & it seems like just yesterday I was a freshman. Soon, I'll be hitting the 'real world,' but now that we're officially in a recession -- I can wait & continue to reap the benefits of a free education. So since this is the last week of class, finals begin on Monday & unlike most people, instead of a shit load of final exams to study for.. . I have a shit load of final projects to finish: 
  • Monday. Video Art Final Video Due. I'm doing a documentary on "Sneakerheads" -- a category that I can relate greatly to. Unfortunately, I was unable to record anything while my week in New York, but I shall start today. Once I'm done, I'll post the video, as well as the rest of the videos I did all semester for that class. 
  • Tuesday. Final Drawing II Critique. Just a critique on the abstract artwork we've been spending weeks on. I'll finish the piece today in class & post it on here .. . maybe Tuesday?
  • Wednesday. An actual final exam: History of Photography. Plus, my three self-portraits for my Digital Media Class. One must be done only in Photoshop, one must be done in only Illustrator, and lastly, a one must be a combination of both. I'll include a draft of my combo one within this post. 
  • Thursday. Nothing. Thank God. 
  • Friday. 'Influence' book due for my Design Process -- which is 26 graphic designs, as well as all of our revised books we spent all semester doing. Since most of them are hand rendered I'll probably scan it or something, so you guys can see. 
  • Saturday. Final Photo critique. I'm taking portraits of random people's faces -- like extreme close ups & printing & mounting them on 11 x 14 paper. I'll post those, as well as my previous landscape assignment soon. 
So, no I'm not spending hours in the library w. my head buried in books -- but instead, I'm spending hours staring at this computer screen trying to express my creativity all for a mere letter grade, which better be an 'A'. I swear after next week is over, I'm taking a week or two hiatus from the computer, internet, all Adobe programs, etc. But knowing me.. . that's not gonna last that long, especially since I have to continue working on the my portfolios for Parsons & SVA. Sigh. It never stops. 

.. Since my work shift is almost over, I need to wrap this post up. Like I said, I will include some of the work I've been doing for my final projects: 

Combination Self-Portrait (not complete) for Digital Media 

Two of my 'influence' spreads for Design Process. 

And I'm off. 