Thursday, December 25, 2008

No More Bah Humbug?

Merry Christmas to all.

I must admit.. . the 'Christmas spirit' didn't officially hit me until around 9PMish on Christmas Eve. I managed to do some last minute shopping & was able to get gifts for the immediate family, although I still have more shopping to do. Christmas Eve was wonderful. Started out w. IHOP's infamous 'Pigs in a Blanket' -- which I swear I have been craving since last week, w. Loso followed by spending time w. Ms. 'Tilly Buff', whom just had her 22nd birthday the night before. VH1 was playing 'The Jacksons: An American Dream" -- the whole 5 hours of that long as movie, and we were on it. Well at least for 3 hours of it at least.. . then Los & I headed back to my crib & that's when all my Christmas spirit kicked in.

It's a family tradition in my house to buy our real Christmas tree on the 22nd, and decorate it as a family on Christmas Eve. This year Los was able to join the family tradition. Now I must first commend my aunt for picking out a beautiful, beautiful tree this year. Don't get me wrong -- every year we have a nice tree, but this year.. . the tree takes home the prize for 'Best Tree.. Ever'? Nonetheless, giving it two days to 'full out' (as I like to call it -- but you know.. . 'thaw' out, become fuller.. whatever) it was ready to be decorated. I must say this year the tree also wins the prize for 'Best Decorated Tree.. Ever' as well. Thanks to the magnificent help of the siblings, and of course Loso. 

I just finished helping my aunt play Santa & I must say my family is truly blessed. My aunt once again was able to fill the whole living room w. shit for not only me, but my 3 other siblings -- w. no one to help her but herself. I am truly thankful and blessed to have a wonderful aunt like her despite all the shit I put her through 364 days out the year. She is the true definition of "Miss Independent" or "She Got Her Own". But the funny thing is, as you get older you'd expect your parents not to go hard to please you for Christmas, but concentrate on the younger ones. My aunt seems to think otherwise, and even after me constantly telling her I didn't want anything for Christmas, she managed (w. the help of my 14 yr old sister, of course) to surprise the hell out of me & still cater to me as if I were 12 or something. W. that being said, you guys don't understand how excited I am to wake up in the morning & open presents. 

I feel like such a little kid again. :) 

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Bunch of Mumbo, Jumbo!

'Tis the season & I'm no where near prepared.

But honestly, I'm never prepared for Christmas. It comes too fast -- it's like I just got done w. the semester (mind you, some people in New York still have finals this week), barely put in any work hours.. . and on top of that, I'm so not in the Christmas spirit this year. I haven't had the desire to get up and drive in traffic to go to a crowded mall, or walk around in the cold ass city to stand on long ass lines trying to buy stuff for someone else. So I've put off my shopping for as long as I possibly can -- I just had to look at my phone to realize that today is the 23rd and aside from today, I have officially one more shopping day left. Great

Despite my lack of shopping, I was able to make my way out to the city to meet up w. Ava to pick up Los' gift (the only gift I got so far). Not only did I bust my ass on the way to the L train, I managed to freeze my ass off the whole time we were in the city since I managed to wear only leggings and flats, along w. three shirts that did not do anything since my leather jacket was open the whole time. So yes, I am now sick. We did a little shopping before we headed to Silver Spurs--I swear I've never appreciated hot chocolate as much as I did sitting in that restaurant. All & all it was a great lil' 'date' despite freezing my ass off for most of it. 

Aside from my lack of Christmas shopping, I've also managed to get no birthday gifts for all of the Sagittarius/Capricorns in my life. Well today is Dani's 22nd birthday, so I'm sure we're all going to do something tonight, that will probably include a lot of liquor -- my favorite. The 27th, is the bestest's 21st birthday, which I feel like I'm wayyy more excited than she is at this current state -- BUT its okay, because I know she'll get in the spirit soon. Plus, its on a Saturday -- that's like God giving us the permission to get 'fucked up' that night.. . But unfortunately not too fucked up, since for my aunt's birthday which is the next day (28th) -- I promised her I would go to Church w. her. So I guess that's also God's way of telling me, 'You had your fun, no come to Church since you haven't been in Lord knows how long.. .' Thanks God. 

So like I said, I've been working on my 2009 Promises, and I continued to do some thinking and came up w. more of these promises: 
  1. To laugh more. Seriously, it's not that serious. Laugh off everything & you'll live longer. I promise. 
  2. To network more. The internet is a great networking place -- but I refuse to spend my life sitting in front of a computer trying to sell myself over the web, when I can just do it in person. Random conversations in the train are great, you'd be surprised who you meet during rush hour. 
  3. To make more art. Daily. Well, this is a promise I need to keep to myself. What's an artist w. no work to show? I need to not only make an extensive portfolio for these art schools, but for myself and my career.
  4. Pay them no mind. Obviously.. . not everyone is gonna like you. You can either weep about it or say fuck them. They hold no meaning to your life.
Yep, this is what I thought off thus far to add onto the additional promises I made in a previous post -- Nonetheless, what I really need to worry about is what I'm doing on New Years Eve? Owwwww

Monday, December 22, 2008

So.. .


Calm down.. . it's only the internet. 
Blogger still in progress, so stay tune. 

Friday, December 19, 2008

Hipster Olympics.. .

"Yeaa.. like silver is the new gold."

So, I was put on to the Current channel while at Mateo's house & this little series came up, which I thought was hilarious. This satire entitled 'Hipster Olympics' challenges what they consider "Brooklyn Hipsters" (whom are mostly found in the area of Williamsburg) compete for the most ironic tee-shirt, best Myspace pic, and silent judging.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

2009 Resolutions.. . my ass.

I was getting tired w. # titles .. so off w. them.

There are 6 more days until Christmas, 12 more days until 2009 and I hear people talking about their 'New Years' Resolutions' already. I've been hearing it from friends, co-workers, random people on the streets -- all whom talk about the 'new change'.. . or (my personal favorite) 'the new money' their bringing/getting come January 1st, 2009. First and foremost, I think it's all bullshit. Just straight bullshit. The definition of the word 'resolution' is:
(n.) a solution, accommodation, or settling of a problem, controversy, etc.
(v.) the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
Now don't get me wrong.. . I'm all for changing for the greater you. It's just the fact that people think they have to wait until the NEW year to be a new them. ".. New year, new start." -- That's the bullshit ass excuse people use year after year to justify why they think its better to become the 'better them' on that day. Fuck that. Change doesn't come easy. Change doesn't come that fast. You'd be surprised (and rather entertained.. .) if I sat here told you some stories of people I know that 'changed' as soon as midnight hit. Oh, that's cute -- but then they're right back to their 'previous year' self come a week later. If you haven't done anything to loose weight in 2008, there is gonna be no 'New Year adrenaline rush' that's gonna come & make your lazy ass go to the gym.. . if you ain't getting 'arab money' in 2008, chances are -- you aren't in 2009, people seem to be forgetting.. . we're in a recession.. . 2009 shouldn't mark the day you just all the sudden want to change.. or become this 'better' you. You should feel like becoming the better you all year around & just strive to be that person on a daily basis. But.. . New Years keeps some people secure. It gives them hope in their miserable lives. It makes them think that they have start over & it won't end up like in 2008, or whenever. Most the time it doesn't work, but there's always that few that proves everyone wrong. It's just the wrong people thinking that they're that small percentage, when they do nothing to make their life better.

So since I don't partake in that resolution bullshit -- I decided to start writing a draft of 2009 Promises I'm going to keep. See, the definition of the word 'promise' is:
(n.) 1. a declaration that something will or will not be done, given, etc., by one,
2. something that has the effect of an express assurance; indication of what may be expected, 3. indication of future excellence or achievement
While others are going around rambling how they're gonna change during the New Year, I'm going to start going around ranting about how I'm not going to change for the New Year. This is the start up of my 2009 Promises -- which I will continue to add to before Jan. 1, when I think of other things to add.

2009 Promises
  1. To be true to myself, like I've been doing. People disappointment on a regular basis, people 'change' on a regular basis -- for the 20 years that I've known myself.. . I haven't let myself down, yet.
  2. To continue not to hold my tongue for anyone. Rude or not, I just refuse to sugarcoat things. I say what other people are thinking.. . The people love it.
  3. To continue not to care. I adapted the saying: "If I could care less.. . I wouldn't care at all.' Basically, .. . it's whatever. I don't care.
  4. To not hold grudges. I used to hold the mean grudges -- but once I developed #3, I realized that it makes absolutely no sense to hold a grudge on anyone. I'll go along w. my life, while you do the same.
  5. To continue not to be as petty as most girls. Girls are petty. Girls will be your friend for a week, turn on you within an hour, not talk to you months on end, apologize to you within minutes.. . you get the point. Eh, fuck all that. I don't have time.
  6. To continue to be "Ms. She Got Her Own." Need I say more?
Well once I think of more, I will continue to add to the list.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Ugh, a B+.. .

So, I ended the semester w. a 3.85 -- which I automatically rounded to 3.9, but not very happy about that B+ in Design Process .. . but, I guess that's better than a C, since I handed in some of my books a little late & not to mention -- not together. :)

Nonetheless, I got an unreal amount of work to do now w. finishing these applications & finalizing my port to send off to SVA & Parsons -- in my mind, I've eliminated Pratt, since I have my heart set on completely school in the city. So I shall do just that! Uhh.. I haven't had time to rest really, got in Saturday night -- Sunday spent the day w. Dicklos & the crew. It was great, as usual. And Monday, well I was right back at work -- it's like I never left. I've had to work Monday, and today, and tomorrow, which I have to work 9am-7pm.. so bare w. me when it comes to these post.

I'm exhausted. Sigh.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I have to say.. . I love, love, love, love, LOVE my life & all that's included.

This should be a quick post. 

This weekend was the last official weekend in Storrs, CT before I'm back in New York for winter break -- which is about a month & some change long. Last week, I was ecstatic about coming back home (& don't get me wrong .. I still am!) but this weekend was absolutely wonderful.. well, moreso the climax of the weekend (which is Saturday, for those of you that don't know) was superb. 

Friday, was the African American Cultural Center's Kwanzaa Dinner, which was okay -- food was great, but since the guest speaker that was supposed to be there was dropped.. it just turned real interesting watching students entertain a room filled w. people who were expecting the keynote speaker of that night (I really forgot his name -- but he is an African American self-made multi-millionaire that made his first million at the age of 8.. . must be nice.) After that, me & Tina went to the AKA Probate, which was cool. One of my girls is now an AKA & I'm proud of her. :) 

Saturday, saturday, saturday. Spent the day bullshitting & acting like I was studying. Joined the girls around 7:22PM for the Sigma probate. I have to say I was more than impressed w. how theirs went. It even touched me to the point, I was considering pledging a sorority next semester -- but mostly like I'll wait until I transfer back to New York to do that. The girls & I, plus Sunny went to Chuck & Augie's -- sat, conversed, made commentary.. . you know the usual before heading back to Joyce's room, where we decided we'd try our luck w. using other people's 21+ IDs to get us into Sports Bar, which seemed to be the 'it' place of the night. We all got dressed, I drove us there (w. the intentions to be too drunk to drive us back, so Tina was the D.D for the night -- yayyy, Tina!) & we got in w. no problems. 

I had an absolutely wonderful time. Next semester, I vowed that we're going to start going w. the girls more to Sports Bar -- it was that awesome. After having 5 drinks, including one shot of patron -- I found a new drink for the month (courtesy of Ronke): Amaretto Sour. :) After passing out, I was still able to take this beautiful 'morning after' picture -- 

So, now since Finals begin tomorrow -- I need to finish my sneakerhead documentary, since I have to share it w. the class from 330-530pm. So, like I need to get started editing that. So this is the end of this post for now. 

Despite how short this post is, it took forever!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Time flies when you're having fun. 

Or just when you have a shit load of things to do. 

So today marks the last day of classes for my Fall 2008 semester. Personally, I think it went by too fast .. . but then again, I'm in my third year of college & it seems like just yesterday I was a freshman. Soon, I'll be hitting the 'real world,' but now that we're officially in a recession -- I can wait & continue to reap the benefits of a free education. So since this is the last week of class, finals begin on Monday & unlike most people, instead of a shit load of final exams to study for.. . I have a shit load of final projects to finish: 
  • Monday. Video Art Final Video Due. I'm doing a documentary on "Sneakerheads" -- a category that I can relate greatly to. Unfortunately, I was unable to record anything while my week in New York, but I shall start today. Once I'm done, I'll post the video, as well as the rest of the videos I did all semester for that class. 
  • Tuesday. Final Drawing II Critique. Just a critique on the abstract artwork we've been spending weeks on. I'll finish the piece today in class & post it on here .. . maybe Tuesday?
  • Wednesday. An actual final exam: History of Photography. Plus, my three self-portraits for my Digital Media Class. One must be done only in Photoshop, one must be done in only Illustrator, and lastly, a one must be a combination of both. I'll include a draft of my combo one within this post. 
  • Thursday. Nothing. Thank God. 
  • Friday. 'Influence' book due for my Design Process -- which is 26 graphic designs, as well as all of our revised books we spent all semester doing. Since most of them are hand rendered I'll probably scan it or something, so you guys can see. 
  • Saturday. Final Photo critique. I'm taking portraits of random people's faces -- like extreme close ups & printing & mounting them on 11 x 14 paper. I'll post those, as well as my previous landscape assignment soon. 
So, no I'm not spending hours in the library w. my head buried in books -- but instead, I'm spending hours staring at this computer screen trying to express my creativity all for a mere letter grade, which better be an 'A'. I swear after next week is over, I'm taking a week or two hiatus from the computer, internet, all Adobe programs, etc. But knowing me.. . that's not gonna last that long, especially since I have to continue working on the my portfolios for Parsons & SVA. Sigh. It never stops. 

.. Since my work shift is almost over, I need to wrap this post up. Like I said, I will include some of the work I've been doing for my final projects: 

Combination Self-Portrait (not complete) for Digital Media 

Two of my 'influence' spreads for Design Process. 

And I'm off. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Wow, oh wow.

While in Big Daddy's Diner, Los showed me this queer ass video Eddie Murphy & Michael Jackson made. If people were unable to realize that Michael is/was a pedophile from this video, then I don't know what other proof they might need. I just still can't get over how gay this video was. Who told Eddie Murphy this was hot? .. . Probably Michael.

Anyways, I ended up sleeping through going to the campus tour of Pratt & just ended up going to SVA w. Los at 2pm for their quick campus tour. I loved it. Didn't see much, but I loved the vibe I got from it. The aura of the school seemed very down to earth & laid back. But then again, I said I loved Parsons the moment I walked out of the Admissions office. I know I want to go to school in the city, as opposed to an area within Brooklyn eliminating Pratt out of my choices, although I'm still going to apply there (I mean, it won't hurt.) -- But basically I feel, I've gotten the whole 'campus/rural' feel for almost 3 years now, it was fun while it lasted, but moving on. I've come to the realization that if I really want to take my design career somewhere, I need to move back to the 'city of opportunity' & go to an outstanding art school w. state of the art equipment. UCONN is a great school, just not for artist. I've accepted that, now I'm doing something about it & leaving.

When in Rome.. . LMAO.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Oops, I did it again?

Okay, so .. I haven't updated in a while. So much has happened over the course of the last post, and so much of it I will not tell you. :) Ah well, shit happens righ? But, nonetheless like I discussed in #32 -- I started THE UPPERCLASSMEN lifestyle blog. It still isn't actually where I want it to be aesthetically, but I'm working on it all while trying to fill it w. interesting content to keep the readers entertained, so be sure to check that out as well. You can start by clicking the link above. :)

My Thanksgiving Break started on Friday, and I basically have a week off to gather my thoughts, get away from all the Connecticut drama, spend time w. the loved ones & work on all my final ass projects for classes. Being home for less than probably 48 hours had justified the changes that I was debating on while being stuck in Storrs. Basically, entering the Communications Design at UCONN, would add an extra year to my undergraduate experience, making me graduate in 2011, as opposed to 2010. So basically all my credits (that put me a year ahead credits wise -- making me a senior in the Spring 09 semester) mean absolutely nothing anymore. So I had two choices:
  1. Stay at UCONN for 2 more years. Get my own place off campus. Be tight that all my true friends are graduating in 2010 leaving me alone OR
  2. Transfer back to New York, finish my two years at an art school here. Get a place w. Loso. Be happy that my bestest will also be back in the city that winter & be happy forever (LMAO).
Well, obviously it's not #1.
So I've decided to apply to Pratt Institute, Parsons New School of Design & School of Visual Arts for Communication Design & pick which ever one I get accepted into--or have to sit in decide which one I should actually go to if I were to get into all of them (which would be awesome!) W. staying in New York -- I refuse, like flatly refuse, to live at home. I cannot tolerate my aunt for more than an hour better yet a whole 2 years. So, Los & I would begin looking for a place to share together in the summer 2009, move in by fall & just be straight. I'd work & go to school. He'd work & go to school & we'll be straight. I know it's not going to be that simple -- but that is basically the plan that I've stirred up in my head already.

I'm turning 21 next year, and I just need to live my life for myself -- which, I've always been doing, but it just sounded good to say in that sentence? Lol. As an artist, New York has so much more to offer me than stupid CT & I just need to stop denying that. So I've begun filling out my applications -- fixing up my portfolio, busting my ass off in these final projects so I can get all A's again this semester & keep it moving w. my astonishing GPA. It's final. I need change. & I feel this is the change I need in order to really follow out my dreams. Switching my major from Pre-Med/Pharmacy to Communication Design was the prereq -- now its time for the real deal.

Change starts now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Quick announcement. 

I've done some thinking.
The HL Life will continue to be my own personal blog. 
I have started designing my lifestyle blog entitled THE UPPERCLASSMEN.
I will launch the site soon enough. 
Stay tuned.

That's all. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


A Day America Will Never Forget.

Obama - 338, McCain - 156.
Barack Obama has proved to all the African Americans out there that nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible. I remember there used to be a time when just the mere thought of having a black president was always laughed off w. a 'yea right -- that'll be the day' from both African Americans & Caucasians. Myself included. And today, PRESIDENT Barack Obama has proved us all wrong. Nothing is impossible, ever.

Proud to be an American.
Even prouder to be an African American.

Yes, we can.

Monday, November 3, 2008


As promised. 

Yes, I've reached post #30. 
The new High Low Life will be launching in a few days & I've made a couple more changes. Yes, this will now be a lifestyle blog BUT, some of you did not want me to stop the personal aspect of this blog .. so I will continue to write about what goes on in my life -- if I even did that really in the first place? So, any blogs relating to me will continued to be numbered. Yay.

Tomorrow is Election Day & I have to say I am pretty excited. I get to stand on line for probably two to three hours before I can voice my twenty year old opinion on a little bubble sheet on who I feel should run this country for the next 8* years, hopefully. I already have my morning planned out -- wake up by 9AM, be out the door by 10AM -- drive by Dunkin' Donuts, grab 2 donuts, a hot chocolate, a bottle of water & a bagel w. butter (LMAO! The donuts & water are for the time spent waiting in line.) & head to Manchester Town Hall, which is right down the street from the Art bldg. Vote. And then spend my evening watching history be made.

So, Caresse happened to put me on to this video when I showed up for work -- I'm pretty sure you have all seen this by name, especially if you're an avid CNN watcher, like myself. This is that Atlanta education for you. Boy, how I miss that state now. :(

Also, while sitting in photography class -- my professor showed us some work by on of Time Magazine photographer's Callie Shell. In May 2008, she begin photographing pictures of Obama on his campaign trail & I have to say -- I absolutely love these pictures. To view more of here work, you can click HERE

Let change begin. :)

Monday, October 27, 2008


Change is good.

So last night, since I was able to sleep due to the unbearable pain of my wisdom teeth growing I spent about 3 hours, making list & writing up proposals/events/ -- a whole bunch of shit, basically -- of my future plans. Future as in months away, not as in "when I grow up.. ." First on the list is to change this blog up -- I love it, some of you love it, but like I said in the past, or think I said in the past.. I want it to be less me, more lifestyle. So I'm going to be changing not only the physical appearance -- but the whole content of what 'The High Low Life' really represents, aside from being me. So, I'm working on the official logo, as well as the daily content I'm going to be giving you guys -- & yes, I did say daily. Okay, at least every other day we're going to push for? As I mentioned -- it's going to be less personal & more lifestyle. 

Lifestyle: (n.) the way in which a person or group lives. 
So w. that definition, I'm running wild & just giving you the best of everything from -- boutiques, restaurants, events, artist, music, fashion (of course!) & just a whole other array of things. And since I have international readers -- Go London! -- it will be geared internationally. Not just New York City. And the email is always good for suggestions & topics, places, pictures, you'd like for me to highlight: Also, I now enabled comments. Yay, so now you have options on how to stay in touch. :) W. the change -- I have also decided to get rid of this whole numbering post instead of actually creating titles, so we'll probably end at #30 & have like a re-grand opening of The HL. I won't delete any of the prior post because I actually enjoy looking back at some of the nonsense I wrote, but we'll just moving forward from here. 

Nonetheless, this change should be final in about two weeks or less -- the post might start before then, but the complete change should be finalized by early November. If I can beat that deadline -- then hurry for me. :)

Stay tuned. I'm excited.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Artistically inclined. 

I've been slacking, once again.
I've had many projects & failed to let you guys see them. 
So, to make up for it -- a sneak preview for one of my assignments due tomorrow that I just completed. 

ART 2011C. Digital Media.
Photoshop Assignment #1: Professor handed out a Monday edition of our school's newspaper, 'The Daily Campus' & w. that ONE newspaper, that probably consisted of 8 spreads altogether, she wanted us to scan in at least six different sections & create an 11' x 17' advertisement getting some kind of message out. Since its too big to fit on this blog, click HERE & tell me what you think. :)  

Obviously, I took the political route. Obama '08. Owww.

Monday, October 20, 2008



If I could sum up the two consecutive weeks that just passed, I would have to say: hectic as hell, but paid off in the long run? I hadn't had the time to sit down & 'blog' about anything I said I would for the last few weeks because I've had midterms & major projects due. I was going insane -- not eating or sleeping, just trying to get all this work done & it paid off. 

So the good news is, I aced both my History of Photography midterm & my Adobe Illustrator midterm. Reason #1 to celebrate. Then Friday, I had my Communication Design Portfolio Review, which had me stressing since classes begun. Pretty much out of the 30 something students that all had hopes of going further into the Comm. Design major, only 16 of us were selected -- I being one of them. :) Reason #2 to celebrate. The only down side is, I will be at UCONN for another year, instead of graduating next year -- BUT, I'm doing something I really enjoy doing & I will graduate w. a double major in Communications Design & Photography, as well as a European Fashion Marketing minor, if all goes according. 

So, this weekend I celebrated. More so celebrated on Saturday, when Taz & I went w. Shana & her girls to Club 91 -- since it seemed like that's where everyone was going to that night. The pictures above were from when we was getting ready & waiting to leave. I wish I could discuss more about that night but all I remember was I had the time of my life -- maybe it was because I was done the whole night & just danced the night away? I really can't tell you. All I remember was we got there & then left -- while I managed to stay on my feet for how many hours we were there. Although I was fucked up, I was somewhat coherent -- I managed NOT to be that friend that is stumbling over her words & her friends have to lift her to keep her from tipping over. Instead, I was in my own little word, conversing & having a great time the whole night -- wo. my eyes being open. :) Yea, if I find a picture of me from that night .. I'd share. But I don't recall any flashes in my face, so I don't think I took any pictures. Bummer. :(

I'll write more later? 
Prepare for a sight change -- it's about time I update this bad boy's physical appearance. 

Monday, October 13, 2008



Beyonce makes me so proud to have hips.
The moment I saw this video quickly air on MTV as 'The Hills' was going off I said -- omg, I have to have that outfit. Yep, all it is a body suit -- but like Beyonce, I shall do that suit justice. American Apparel here I come. Halloween is just around the corner, so that is 'acceptable' to wear out in public. Shitttttttttttttttt. 

This isn't turning into a video blog -- I swear I'll post some good reads as soon as I finish this typography homework. Sigh

I'm bad. I know. :)

Edit: I should be sleep, but stumbled across Beyonce's other video 'If I Was A Boy' video & at 3:02AM, it had me crying. I love this video & this song. I really can't wait 'til her album comes out now. 

Hormones. Sigh. 

Thursday, October 9, 2008


The prelude.

Done w. midterms. Thank God.
Now, I'll have a little more time to devote myself to this blog.
Once again, while in Video Art my professor showed us the video above. I love the concept of it & just wanted to share it w. you guys before I start w. all the 'political' post that will shortly be following this post. So enjoy & share it w. more friends.

Let's talk politics:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Motivation for the day.. night, whatever.

Once again, my professor showed us this video in my Video Art class & it almost made me cry. So I thought I'd share. 

I'd love to stay & chat -- but I got two midterms tomorrow. :( 


Monday, October 6, 2008


I hate the #23 -- for numerous reasons. 

I have a lot to write about.
I have actually been planning blogs to write about.
I, unfortunately will not write about them in this post. 
But I can guarantee you they will be posted probably within this week. 

So much has happened since I last wrote -- more of my artwork to share, some serious discussions concerning love, relationships & politics. Some of which I asked you, some of which you guys have actually sent in. I love emails. Keep sending them! Uh, my two year anniversary just passed this Sunday. :) Lookin' good.. lookin' good. 

So, uh, basically the point of this post was for absolutely no reason at all. I just was writing because I told people I would & to let you know I'm still alive. It seems a lot of people are giving up blogging -- I guess I'll hang on to it & continue to inspire many of you to make your own. Yes, Addler -- that's your shout out. 

I have to go study for my History of Photography midterm now. 
Yes, being an art student is fun -- but hard as hell. Seriously.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Uh oh, I got a fan base. 

So I woke up this morning w. a wonderful IM from a wonderful person that shared wonderful information w. me. Apparently, I intrigue readers & actually have something going w. this blog, that I personally feel is still an archive of useless. But nonetheless, people love it. People IM me & share their thoughts & opinions of post #.. whatever -- & so now, I will get to be featured in one of my school's newspapers, The Vision, geared towards the minorities on our campus. So every month, people will get to read excerpts & gist of what I've been talking about for the month, as well as just continuing to tune in on their own, if they're feeling moi. :) 

Aside from the newspaper, I've been talking to other blogs about becoming a featured contributor as well. So we'll see where that goes w. that. No, I'm not a writer, nor do I want to be one. I just like to talk -- share my thoughts about things, you know ramble. And people actually like listening to what I say. Go figure. So, w. that said -- I now have an email set up for this baby: That way, you the readers that don't have my screen name or not want to leave a message in the limited shoutbox can write me. 

Call me the Dr. Phil of my time. 
No seriously, send in your questions, concerns, problems, suggestions, artwork -- oh man, I love artist, demo tapes -- you'd be surprised, ect. This should be fun. This way its less me, more you -- but still me because apparently that's what the people want. 

I do it for the glory. 

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Racism still alive -- they just be concealing it. Or are they?

Something the bestest sent me, that made me laugh .. but at the same time it's something our young black men still continue to go through. For no reason at all. I sit back & watch shows like MTV's 'Busted' & just get upset on how these white people can talk to the cops any way without even getting arrested -- but let a black man 'disrespect' a cop. OH, then it's his ass. Smh. It's sad. So sad. Oh, then I hate black cops -- I feel like they always think they have to prove to their white co-workers that they're not like these "niggers" that they're arresting. So they go extra hard, for no as reason at all. Sad how we're still putting on a show for ol' massa. 

So random updates, so I don't have to continue making new post. I got the graphic design position at WHUS. :) Had to turn down the production assistant at UCTV -- they wanted too much of my time, something that I don't even fully have. I talked to Taz -- she got her Athletics Operations job she wanted, a foot in the door on the path to her dream job -- working w. ESPN. So despite all the work, this weekend calls for a little celebration. Sunday Los is supposed to be up here -- I'm excited. I now feel like I haven't seen him in forever. Sigh

Okay, side note. Some how I ended up having a discussion about Olympic wear today w. one of my co-workers & it seems to me that everyone failed to realize just how fly the US was -- all thanks to Ralph Lauren, which I personally thinks is the perfect choice for American style. So here's a re-cap. 

When finding this picture, I read off another blog: "If this continues, think about the possibilities for the next Olympics -- the Spaniards wearing Balenciaga, the French wearing YSL & the Japanese wearing Issey Miyake." Ahh. Toldju fashion is taking over -- everything. :)

The Office Season 5 premieres tonight. :) 



I have plenty of pet peeves. Pretending your fat ass can fit into a thin ass seat on the bus.. well, that's one of them. If you cant sit comfortably -- then don't sit at all. That's just how I feel. Nothing personal against fat people -- it's just common sense people. Common sense.

That's all. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


A more perfect union?

I saw this in class & just loved it. 


Politically correct?

Since I called out of my 8AM work schedule, I was able to sleep until 1130AM. Got dress. Hopped on the bus & went to the art building about 20 minutes early before my class. I got a back of Cheez-Its & since the Coca-Cola machine still isn't refilled, I was forced to walk to Store 24 to get a ginger ale. Best mistake of the day. Went in the store, saw the October issue of Vogue -- purchased it, along w. my ginger ale & went about my merry way. Got into class & started flipping thru the magazine & stopped on pg. 172, entitled Runway To Change.

Runway To Change basically is a bunch of "politically minded designers fashion limited-edition collectibles for the Obama campaign." Pretty much designers like Marc Jacobs, Vera Wang, Tory Burch, Pharrell Williams, Juicy Couture, etc. came together & designed a fashionable piece in support of Barack Obama. Think Diddy's "Vote or Die" shirts, but way better. After coming across -- I, too, was able to support a great cause & purchase the Marc Jacobs Obama tote, which I absolutely loved. The great thing is, although these items are 'limited' edition -- you too can purchases them straight from the website. They are a bit on the expensive side, but after all this is for a great cause. Change. It's so good to see the fashion world getting in on this. 

Marc Jacob's Obama '08 Tote Bag -- $75.00
Rag & Bone's Change Is Awesome Tote Bag -- $75.00
Nanette Lepore's Hope Anchor w. Pin Ladies Shirt -- $65.00
Pharrell William's Obama Stands Out From The Crowd Men's Shirt -- $60.00
Vera Wang's Vote Obama '08 Ladies Shirt -- $60.00

You can also check out stores like Urban Outfitters & what not -- I know they had some great election/vote tee's the last time I went. But anyway, this November is going to mark a big change in history for us -- whether we get a black president or a white woman for vice present, one glass ceiling is going to be broken. Don't you want a say in that? So go out & vote. But before you can vote, go out & register to vote. Don't know how. Click here & they'll guide you along w. the voting registration process. For those of you that attend school out of state, don't let that be a reason not to vote either. You can either request an absentee ballot or register in the state that your school is in. That's what I did. :) 

As we start getting closer & closer to the election -- I'll do my best to inform you about important deadlines, facts & all that jazz. Or you can read more at that link I gave you above.

Only you can silence yourself. Why do it? 

Monday, September 22, 2008


If I could care less, I wouldn't care at all.

I'm sick. 
Very sick, actually. 
My last two classes were cancelled today -- giving me 6 additional hours on top of my 2 hour nap I usually take when I get out of class. I took a Naproxen 550mg before I went to sleep, but woke up dizzy & not knowing where the hell I was for a brief moment. I have no appetite, but hungry as hell. This has been going on for a few days, maybe even a full week -- I want to eat, but once I finally get food in my mouth, I get full & end up 'saving' it for later. This has causing me to lose weight, faster than I need to -- which can't be healthy at all. I think my stomach has reached it's all time flat, but I'd give it up just to be able to eat something & not get sick or full asap. Sigh

On a good note.. 
I'm happy. Very happy, actually.
Despite being sick out of my buttocks, I really have nothing to complain about. Things are going as plan. Not stressing about anything. School is going great -- despite the heavy workload I'm receiving, but after all.. it is college. Most people think art students have it easy.. ha. Don't get me wrong, I don't have to spend a week studying stupid formulas & all these definitions, theories, etc -- but I do have to spend hours at a time letting my 'creative juice' flow to present art assignments that show my full potential. Sometime I feel it is easier just memorizing useless shit. Back to the happy tangent, uh the relationship is great. My girls -- oh, how the numbers are getting smaller & smaller -- are great. Everything is just going good. 

No matter how long I slept for earlier, this sickness is getting the best of me. I would love to stay & write more.. well, not really -- but maybe I'll write more tomorrow when I'm at work for 4 hours, doing absolutely nothing. Sigh. I got another interview for the graphic designer for my school's radio station on Wednesday -- I'll let you guys know how that goes. Sex & The City comes out tomorrow, & despite how sick I am -- best believe I'm driving over to Target (which, isn't that close) & copping. :) I love that movie so much. Ah, the Carrie B. of my crew. I love my girls.  

No stress. Love. Live life. Proceed. Progress. 

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Stuntin' is a habit, get like me?

A brief shopping I did this weekend, well Friday & Saturday. I got everything I said I would get -- including my Uggs. Now I'm content. Next, I have to get a HD television & well the 360 Elite. :) 

I have a shopping problem. I'm convinced.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


A woman of my word to say the least.

ART 2010, also know as Design Process.
This is a class where the only technology we're allowed to use is a copier. Sure, we can take images from off the computer but they then must be photocopied. 

So, for our first assignment we had to create 2 posters to show our interior(private) self & our exterior(public) self without any form of color, only black whites & gray scale, if needed. 

Interior self. The thought bubble represents my thoughts, & as far as the 
brick wall all over the poster -- it represents my private life. One that I like to keep to myself & others I care about. I chose brick because well its impossible to tear down without the right tools. I figured that was the best representation of me, my feelings & my personal life -- you know what I tell you. Some of broken through the brick wall, all of which I can count on my 10 fingers, maybe -- others.. well its more of 'what you see is what you get' -- what I tell is what you know. 

Exterior self. The talk bubble represents what I want people to know through my voice, actions, etc. I chose a 'homey' wallpaper to symbolize home as being a place of comfort, as if to say I'm comfortable telling you these things. Usually when people hang picture frames it's because they're proud of what they accomplished & want others to see. With that being said, I hung up picture frames -- most which bare definitions straight out of the dictionary to tell the 'story of my life' thus far. Some of those words include: love, struggle, glory, triumph, pain, hurt, obstacle, faith, etc. All of which I have experienced, overcome & just feel the need to share my story w. others. As far as the blank frames, well those represent my future. Since I don't predict the future, I can't predict what words would fit in those frames just yet. We will one day find out. 

Sorry for the small pictures, blame blogger. 


Where science ends, art begins. 

ART 2011C, better known as digital media.
First assignment -- sketch a tattoo & turn it into a vector on Adobe Illustrator. 
I'll post the other assignment for my design class in about an hr or so. 


Monday, September 15, 2008


Lucky 13?

Rather unlucky for those folks. 
This hazardous picture was taken this Friday around 2:40PM when I had to get on the Peter Pan bus to get home. All the people you see standing -- which is soooo against all Peter Pan/Greyhound regulations to have passengers stand -- were the go hards that formed this stupid ass line thinking the bus was going to stop at where the line started. I continued to sit on the concrete bench & watch the people push, shove & complain to each other how the bus was running late. Once I saw the bus coming I stood up -- not near that bullshit ass line -- & miraculously, the bus stopped right in front of me, ensuring me a ride to Hartford to continue my journey home. If looks could kill -- I would have been massacred by that large group of go hards. Not to mention, I was supposed to get into New York around 645PM, or 7PM the latest -- but due to bullshit weather & traffic, I didn't touch down until around 815PM. I hate buses w. a passion. Public buses. Private buses. Big buses. Little buses. I hate them. All. 

Luckily for me, when I got home my baby was waiting in front of the house for me. When I say baby, I mean my second baby -- not Los -- but my car, my 2001 Toyota Celica. After spending a whole summer without her, she's finally back in my hands w. a new interior. :) I still gotta do some minor work on the exterior -- like replacing the back windshield wiper that disappeared one day while driving. One minute it's there -- next minute it was gone. But nonetheless, that car gave me back my freedom. I was so used to coming in & out of the house as I pleased, going wherever I wanted -- & now, I can finally do that. I was humbled this summer by forcing myself to take MTA buses & subways -- it was fun while it lasted, but the only time I'm going to take the train is going in & out of the city since I hate driving out there. 

Anyway, got to spend Friday w. the crew -- Los, Tilly, Shaun & Mateo. As always, its always a good time w. those people. I love my friends. :) Saturday, Los & I went on our weekend getaway to Parsippany, NJ. A complicated town but away from the busy city & people that know us. It was great. I don't want to go into details but it was absolutely wonderful. And in two weeks, he'll be up at UCONN w. me. :)

Okay, fuck. I'm going to go pay attention in class now. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Wow, just wow.

Gotta love my friends.


I tell it how it is, then I tell it how it could be. 

I am exhausted
I'm taking on the task of 18 credits this semester. All 3 hour art studios.
On top of that, I might have an additional 2 more jobs on top of the current job I have now working at the Registrar's office. I know its going to be a work load but I'm actually looking forward to them. One is working as a graphic designer for my school's radio station, WHUS -- I sent in my portfolio the other day & the manager was impressed. He couldn't stop smiling. But unfortunately due to UCONN policy, I have to wait for about a week or two before he gives me an answer, which seemed like a "yes" to me. The other one is working as the production assistant for my school's TV station, UCTV. And no, I don't need three jobs for money -- although its gonna go to a great cause.. shopping -- BUT, the real reason I'm doing this is for experience. I have to apply for the communication design program in October, which only allows 13 students per semester & at this rate w. all this soon to have experience that I'll have under my belt -- I feel like my chances of getting in are better than most. :)

I said I'd make this post short especially since I'm in digital media -- which I have to say, I absolutely love this class. It's like an intro to Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop. Right now we're learning Illustrator, which I never knew how to use -- after the second day of class I was busting out logos right off this bad boy. Go figure, I'm actually learning something that I'll use in the future. I am so content w. the choice I made to become an art student. Plus, I'm still considering the LSATs, which one of my design professors did -- not only does he run his own design company, but he didn't have to pay any additional money to hire lawyers to do all the contracts & whatnot. Who said art & law can't be combined? Hmmph

Coming home this weekend to pick up my car -- finally & more of my photography/drawing supplies. Los & I decided to travel out the city & spend the weekend in Parsippany, NJ -- which is only like a 30 minute drive away from the city. Then its back to UCONN to finish the shit load of projects that I have to do -- which, I will post/upload for you guys to see as well. 

Maybe I'll write later, maybe I wont?

Sunday, September 7, 2008


My way is the high way. 

I have officially stolen that quote from Los hard body -- woke up this morning & say it as his status, then proceeded to make it my status.. now look, I'm out of control.  Nonetheless, I figured I'd briefly update my blog since I have acquired a small group of readers -- you guys rock. I seriously didn't think my life was that interesting, but after reading other personal blogs.. its kinda cool when someone shares what going on in their daily life w. well the world wide web. So I read these blogs, some I find interesting & others well just pointless rambles. 

Nonetheless, this weekend since Friday -- has been completely interesting. Taz, Janee & I lost a 'friend' over some ugly $12.90 shirt from Charlotte R's in King Plaza Mall. I'm sure that's not the real reason we lost this person's friendship -- but since she hasn't told us the real reason, we're just going to leave it at that. Friday we all went to visit her & well, not resolve the whole matter -- just get to the bottom of it. It ended in completely chaos, w. the "b" & "f" bomb being dropped between probably every word. Nothing got solved. Nothing got answered. Nothing. It ended w. Taz, Janee & I being completely upset -- completely. But, her lost. I still got my girls & we don't mind rolling in a small crowd while in campus. 

The weather this weekend fucked up so many plans. It was three of my friends bday, but due to this fraud ass 'tropical storm' watch -- all these clubs & other places took madd precaution & didn't open or shut down asap, all because madd wind & heavy rain. Big deal. If we were in New York -- that wouldn't have been an issue. But I spent my Saturday night watching movies online & updating my blog's appearance -- this fall I'm coming at you guys hard & being out the "elite" side of the High Low life, as well as a shit load of events lined up in the near future -- which, I will discuss soon, as well as the introduction to this business. But we'll save that for another post. 

School is still great. Classes are 'da bomb.' I have a shit load of projects I have to finish for this week, including making a short film of scenery (not complete), 10 tattoo sketches for my Illustrator class (almost finished), shooting a roll -- 36 pictures -- of whatever to develop in the dark room tomorrow (complete!) and finish my two interior/exterior posters (almost complete). So I'll get to those while I watch the VMAs, which are on now .. so you know what that means -- this ramble is over for now. 

Side note -- Jeezy should have been Obama's running mate. I've never seen a rapper go so hard in politics -- a beautiful thing, no?

My president is black? Hopefully.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Dear Summer, thank God you're over. 

I'm sitting in my digital media class starting this blog -- I figure since I'll be in this class for the next 3 hours I should have an opportunity to at least post something up since it's been a while since you guys have heard from me. I don't know where to begin -- but I'll start somewhere. 

I've read & been told by several of my friends how shitty their classes & professors are this semester. They consist of a shit load of calculus, science & businesses classes -- all of which I have taken thus far in my college journey & all of which, I'm glad I will never have to set foot in again. Fortunately for me, my semester is nothing like that -- in fact, I am for the first time excited about all the classes I'm currently enrolled in this semester. Ahh, the perks of being an art student. This semester I am enrolled in 18 credits (6 classes -- yes, a lot but oh well) which are: Basic Film Photography, Intro to Digital Media (Photoshop/Illustrator), Design Process, Intro to Video Art, Drawing II & History of Photography I. And I have to say every one of those classes are absolutely superb! I love all my professors and yea, this should be an interesting semester filled w. a shit load of art projects that are helping bring out the true artist. Jealous much? 

Aside from school, everything else is going good for the most part. I'll be getting my refund check, new MacBook AND car back within the next week or so, so I'm pretty content with how this fall is turning out. And to top it off -- the relationship is going great. This friday will be my & Los' 23 month anniversary, but the date we're really looking forward to (since we stopped really celebrating month anniversaries -- mainly because we'll forget) is our 2 year anniversary on October 5th. :) Los is spending a week & change w. me up at school in my apartment at the end of Sept./early Oct. -- an experience we're both truly looking forward too. We've done the whole sleeping together, spending the night type thing -- but for about 7 days or so we will experience living together. You know, cooking, cleaning & just being by ourselves. A small, yet important step we get to take before we move in together -- which should be in the next 2 years. I can't wait. 

Oh, I spent the Labor Day weekend back home in New York. Friday & Saturday at my house & w. Los & our good friends then Sunday & Monday at Taz's house w. Janee where we had a sleepless Labor Day that begun on Sunday night. First, we drove up to the Hamptons to attend this party at 'The White House Night Club' -- the club was pretty much a big mansion that was veryyyy beautiful -- (21st birthday there? No, but I'm sure I will throw some type of party there in the near future..) but the only thing was they played TOO much Hip Hop & decided to save all the dancehall & soca for the last 45 minutes of the party -- not hot. We drove back to Brooklyn, where we were supposed to go to Juvert but by the time we got back it was practically 6am & well since Taz had to be on the Pkwy by 9am we all decided to just take a quick cat nap. We was up by 730am, only to head out to one of Taz's friends house to watch them get dressed up since they were playing (to 'play' in the Labor Day Parade means to dress up in costume w. a group & dance all down the Pkwy). Janee & I eventually ventured off on our own, bumping into Justin & chilling w. him for a while until Taz was finished. Let's just say -- I will never go back to Labor Day, once again it was quite & experience but not for me. At all. 

Uh, time to pay attn in class.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation. 


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Girls vs. Women. 

I found this on another blog -- & pretty much this sums up why I am the way I am, simply put because I'm a woman. I got rid of all the "girls" in my life & only surround myself w. women who are just as confident & strong-minded as me. They accept me for who I am -- because they actually know me. Please don't read my blog & think you have a full knowledge of who I am. Many people have made that mistake & got 'surprised' when I continued to act myself. But I can ramble on about incidents like that -- but we're gonna keep it moving. Like I said, this poem sums it all up for me. I am a woman, strong & bold. You are a girl, young & naive. Period. 

Girls are insecure. Women are confident. 
Girls dress trashy. Women dress classy. 
Girls are students. Women are teachers. 
Girls are listeners. Women are preachers.
Girls make babies. Women raise babies. 
Girls have sex. Women make love. 
Girls are weak. Women are strong. 
Girls fight. Women walk away. 
Girls argue. Women speak.
Girls give in. Women compromise. 
Girls envy. Women appreciate.
Girls give up. Women strive.
Girls look. Women see.
Girls take. Women give.
Girls follow. Women influence. 

-- Christina E. Brown

Wow. So true.